First-place winners Isa Tualla, Joyce Sutay, Vicki Long, and Josef Hauth (photo by Wanda Ross)

Selling mulligans (photo by Wanda Ross)
Wanda Ross
The SaddleBrooke Lady Niners and Men’s Niners joined together for a Niners Unite Tournament, which was held on July 18. It was a nice summer morning, mostly cloudy and cooler than many recent days. The group of 48 golfers played in a scramble format on the Tucson course. Men played from the yellow tees, and ladies played from the aqua tees. One drive had to be used for each person on the team.
Team scores were extremely close. The top four teams all were “in the money.” Congratulations to our winners:
* First place: Isa Tualla, Joyce Sutay, Josef Hauth, and Vicki Long
* Second place: Teresa Jenkins, Vernie Tupa, Jeff Sehn, and Hendrik Van Zuylen
* Third place: Jay Hansen, Sam Weston, Brenda Wilson, and Sue Mobley
* Fourth place: Bruce Anderson, Al Mollendopf, Nancy Wyllie, and Tricia Pohnert
The tournament was followed by a buffet lunch of chicken fajitas with all the fixings and a delicious cherry cobbler. Several people won money in the cash raffle. The remaining earnings were divided between the two Niners clubs.
We thank the many people who helped to arrange the tournament, including planning, decorating, registration, selling raffle tickets, and much more. We appreciate the Food and Beverage Department for preparing a very nice summer lunch for us. We are grateful to Head Golf Pro Jane Chanik and Assistant Golf Pro Molly Fullerton for their work to make our tournament successful. We also thank Mike Roddy and Mike Phillips for maintaining the course in beautiful condition, even with our summer heat.
SaddleBrooke Lady Niners is a fun, friendly, respectful league of lady golfers who play a 9-hole golf game each Tuesday morning. If you would like to play golf regularly, join the SaddleBrooke Lady Niners. Check us out at www.sb9ers.org. New membership applications are available outside the SaddleBrooke Pro Shop in the posting room.
We Niners are very appreciative of our event sponsors: Coyote Golf Cars, Desert Life Pharmacy, Golf Cars of Arizona, The Moore Advantage Team, Morris Hall PLLC, and RidgeView Physical Therapy.