Lunch at Pastiche was a nice ending to the Birdhouse Yarns excursion.
Carol Chiarello
Summer is off to a big start with the Knit Wits. It started with a road trip to visit Holly at Birdhouse Yarns. The ladies had a fun time checking out the new fibers and improving the Tucson economy with their purchases. Afterwards, the group of nearly 20 had a fabulous lunch experience at Pastiche. We especially heard great comments about the Baklava for dessert.
Nancy Erb conducted a workshop to show us how to finish a sweatshirt with a knitted collar and gave us other sewing tips to personalize a simple sweatshirt. This will probably be repeated for the snowbirds who were unable to hear her ideas.
This summer, we will also have a workshop on the circular cast on and reading a simple chart. Interested knitters can make a delightful dishcloth in the design of a sunflower. So many things to learn and it’s all optional!
The “block heads” will continue to try new block patterns for afghan blankets. Some people are already done, others are working on blocks five and six. Everyone can go at her own pace.
Our meeting room has many open seats in the summer months. Come check us out at any weekly session, held on Wednesdays from 9:00-11:00 a.m. in the SaddleBrooke One Arts and Crafts Center, Room 4.