Master knitter and crochet person Bette Stephens shares her love of creating beautiful hand-made items. We have learned a lot from her.
Carol Chiarello
The ladies have been busy with baby sweaters. Last month we offered a class for doing a ripple design baby sweater, very feminine for baby girls. Members can knit for one of our charity groups, or their own babies. Most recently, Bette Stephens offered her skills for teaching buttonholes in those sweaters. The technique included learning applied i-cord.
Now we have a new baby sweater pattern. This one is more gender neutral and is done flat, so the next workshop will be on seaming that garment. It is good to practice new techniques with a baby sweater since the time investment is much less than when doing an adult garment.
The Knit Wits are keeping cool every Wednesday morning from 9:00-11:00 a.m. when they meet at SaddleBrooke One Arts and Crafts Center, Room 4. New people are always welcome and there are plenty of seats available during the monsoon months.
Future activities include a group lunch out of the compound and visits to two Tucson knit shops. These shops are a bit away from SB so carpooling is a plus.
You can learn new techniques in Knit Wits or not; it’s up to you. Come share what you are working on, make some new friends and keep cool with us.