Suzanne Marlatt Stewart
We have a new name—Metaphysical Explorations—and a new format! The board has been working very hard to revise the name and to find a format that is more interactive. After this last year, I am sure you will agree that what we have all missed the most was interaction with others. This year, we want to explore how we apply our spiritual practices to living in the present.
Save the date: Oct. 13, 6 p.m. in the SaddleBrooke One Activity Center at 64518 Galveston Lane. Parking is limited; if the parking lot is full, please park up above by the pool and walk down.
Last name:
A-G please bring a salad
H-N please bring an entree
O-Z please bring a dessert
RSVP to Please respond by Oct. 6.
Check out our new website,
We look forward to a fun evening to re-connect with others.