Volunteers like Greg Poling perform many tasks for Senior Village me
Stephanie Thomas
Paying taxes can feel like throwing money into a deep, black hole. Once you send a check to the government, you have no idea how or where your money is distributed. The good news is that the State of Arizona allows you to direct your state tax dollars to a Qualified Charitable Organization (QCO) of your choice and, even better, take a one-to-one credit off your annual Arizona income tax when you donate to Senior Village.
Starting with the tax year 2023, the maximum tax credits have been raised: $421 for filing as a single and $841 for married filing jointly. There is no minimum dollar requirement. Whatever amount you donate, up to the maximum, will be applied as a tax credit.
The Arizona Department of Revenue designates Senior Village at SaddleBrooke as a QCO based on the work that the Village does for the health and welfare of our community, helping members live independently in their homes. The 300 Village volunteers provide services for transportation, minor home projects, technology advice, document assistance, and social events.
All contributions to Senior Village stay in SaddleBrooke. The Village receives no funding from outside sources. It’s a simple process to receive the QCO credit: Send a check to Senior Village at SaddleBrooke, P.O. Box 8584, Tucson, AZ 85738. Then claim your tax credit on your state income tax by attaching forms 321 and 301. The Senior Village identification number to include is 20990. Consult your tax advisor if you need guidance.
The deadline for making a QCO contribution for the 2023 tax year under the AZ Charitable Tax Credit is any time before April 15, 2024. Keep in mind the Federal IRS deadlines are different from Arizona’s state deadlines.
Please consider designating the Village as your AZ charitable organization so that you, too, can be a “Neighbor Helping Neighbor.” For more information or to become a member or volunteer, call 520-314-1042.