Just a few days left to order geraniums



Karen Schickedanz

You just have a few days left to order some colorful geraniums to benefit charities supporting the vision-impaired. Delta Gamma alumnae in SaddleBrooke are once again selling the flowers as part of the sorority’s annual fundraising effort throughout metropolitan Tucson.

Geraniums are available in six-inch pots at $8 or three for $23 in eight colors: red, white, mosaic red (variegated white and red), orange, salmon, violet, mosaic purple (variegated white and purple) and rose (with a dark center). Also available are 10-inch hanging baskets at $20 each or two for $37 in four colors: red, lavender, pink and burgundy.

Delta Gamma holds this annual sale to support: SAAVI (Southern Arizona Association for the Visually Impaired); Paws for Cause, a local 4H club that raises dogs to be trained as guide and service dogs and Sun Sounds, which provides recording and radio broadcasting of reading material for the visually impaired.

The order and payment deadline is Friday, February 17. Order forms are available from Jan Zeluff at zfrenchfrie@earthlink.net or Beth Effenberger at bethatbeach35@gmail.com. Orders also can be placed by phone with Jan at 529-0102 or with Beth at 825-6964. Checks should be made out to Tucson Delta Gamma Alumnae Chapter and sent to Jan Zeluff at 6661 N. Avenida de las Palazas, Tucson, Arizona 85750.

Geraniums will be available for pickup on Saturday, February 25 at the home of Rachel Wankling, 38993 S. Clubhouse Drive, SaddleBrooke. Rachel’s home is in Unit 32A. If you have questions about delivery, contact her at 240-3856.