Paths to Possibilities, an original creation by Michele Benedict (photo by Marilynn Davis)
The Art Salon, hosted by the SaddleBrooke Fine Arts Guild, is a place where like-minded artists come together in a friendly environment to bond, network, and learn from one another. Meetings are held on the third Wednesday of each month from 10:30 a.m. to noon in the Topaz Room at the Arts & Crafts Center adjacent to the MountainView Country Club. All SaddleBrooke residents are invited to join—whether or not they’re a member of the Guild. Refreshments are provided, no reservations are needed, and there is no charge.
The next Art Salon is on Wednesday, March 20. The topic is “Enhancing Your Unique Self-Expression,” and our facilitator is Guild member Michele Benedict. Michele will lead us on a journey through artistic style elements to inspire new creative possibilities with whatever you produce or choose to own in the future. It will help you identify and enrich your natural personality style and your efforts to represent yourself and your work in the most positive, aesthetic way.
Whether you are decorating your home, dressing yourself, or producing objects or artworks, these kinds of activities have many concepts in common. It can be said that everyone uses art principles, whether aware of it or not. This interactive opportunity is meant to expand your knowledge and enhance greater satisfaction in many of your daily endeavors.
Membership in the SaddleBrooke Fine Arts Guild is only $25 per year and includes monthly meetings, open studio, non-critique sessions, Art Salon discussions, opportunities to exhibit and sell your work, and so much more. Guild members also enjoy a discount on class fees. Visit www.saddlebrookefinearts.org for details.