Janie Grinstead, pianist
Cheri Emahiser
“Lest we forget, America the Brave” is scheduled for Sunday, March 29 at 4 p.m. at the DesertView Performing Arts Center. The SaddleBrooke Singers are delighted to have the opportunity to sing magnificent songs honoring our nation’s heroes. Veterans attending the concert will receive special recognition during the performance.
Veterans’ tickets may be purchased at a discounted price of $10 only at the HOA II Administrative Office or, if seats are available, at the theater the day of the show. General admission tickets can be obtained online from the theater box office at a cost of $20. For more information about purchasing discounted veterans’ tickets, please check our website www.SaddleBrookeSingers.org.
Ticket holders can look forward to being greeted by Rosie the Riveter in the lobby. Please let one of the Rosies know if you are a veteran; she has a special flag just for you. Also, don’t forget your cell phone; during intermission veterans can look forward to a photo shoot. Who wouldn’t want to have their picture taken with one of the vivacious Rosies? You’ll want to plan on getting in line at intermission near the front of the stage. We’ll have our photographer snap a picture with your very own phone.
The singers are rehearsing some gorgeous patriotic music written to pay tribute to the brave men and women who fought to keep our flag flying high. The accompaniment by our amazing pianist, Janie Grinstead, sometimes requires her to have eight of her ten tiny fingers on the piano keys at one time. Luckily for us, she’s played piano for more than 50 years and has developed the patience to get us through our rehearsals.
Janie began her piano lessons at the age of five in her hometown of Binghamton, NY and, since then, the SaddleBrooke resident has expanded her musical endeavors with the creation of the Sonoran Singers, a 45-member choir made up of female SaddleBrooke residents.
Tanya Elias, our director, is also an extremely knowledgeable musician. She holds a master of music degree from the New England Conservatory of Music in Boston, Massachusetts. You will love hearing her glorious singing voice during our concert.
Tanya began classical piano study at the age of seven and while in college at the age of nineteen, she assumed her first position as a choir director. Since that time, over the past 34 years she has continuously conducted many sacred and secular groups.
The musicians make glorious music together. Please join and support us as we acknowledge those who sacrificed for our freedom.
If you think you might enjoy singing with the SaddleBrooke Singers, please phone Jay Hansen at 520-271-8542. You don’t need professional experience and no audition is required.