John Court visits Sunrise Rotary Club


Dick Kroese

John Court, women’s gymnastics coach, visited SaddleBrooke Sunrise Rotary Club and gave a very inspirational presentation. John is entering his ninth year with the University of Arizona and has established himself as one of the top assistant gymnastics coaches in the country. With a competitive flair and energetic passion for gymnastics, Court takes great pride in helping mold each Wildcat gymnast to be at her fullest potential both in and out of the gym.

With eight years of coaching experience at Arizona, Court has noticed the valuable team experience this program provides for its gymnasts. “We have not had anyone transfer to another college to do gymnastics which says a lot about the total experience that is provided at Arizona.” Court said. “It’s important that you keep the sport fun, for your team and yourself, and that everyone continues to grow. I think we are all at our best when we love what we do.”

Yes, it was a true pleasure to have John talk to our club.