The Institute for Judaic Services and Studies

Mark Schwartz

The High Holidays are behind us, but as we progress through 5777, how will we match religious participation and personal satisfaction with our hopes and intentions for the new year? At SaddleBrooke the Institute makes it easy to participate, especially when it’s with friends who share common interests and lifestyle. The Institute provides Sabbath services through the spring months, a dinner and Oneg before and after services, and a concentrated adult education series – with content to provoke serious thought. We also provide Yahrzeit and Shiva observances for those times when you’re in need of support and comfort.

The satisfaction, I find (for myself) arises with taking every opportunity to mix religious observance with the company of friends – here in SaddleBrooke. Is there a better way to achieve this satisfaction through the year? If so, devise your own formula and find how you enjoy the Institute’s offerings over the coming months. On behalf of the Institute’s board, I invite you to partake in all the opportunities listed below.

Shabbat Services

We continue our Shabbat observance on Friday evenings at 7:00 p.m.: October 28, November 11, December 16, January 27, February 24, March 24 and April 28. October 28 will be held in DesertView’s Mariposa Room; all others will be in MountainView’s Ballroom West.

Shabbat Dinner and Oneg

As before, an optional dinner at MountainView precedes our lively Shabbat services at 5:00 p.m. in the East Room. Ellie Adelman coordinates our Shabbat meals; please make your dinner reservations at her email address,

An Oneg follows each service, allowing us to celebrate the Sabbath and spend quality time with friends. Sponsoring an Oneg Shabbat is a meaningful way to mark a happy or milestone event in your family. Please contact Loraine Stillman to sponsor an Oneg since we still have open dates ( Sam and Lorna Horowitz are sponsoring this month’s Oneg for their 40th wedding anniversary and to honor Joel and Judy Wyner for their service to the Institute over the last eight years.

Adult Education

Rabbi Seltzer’s topic for January 30, February 6 and 13 (Monday evenings at 7:00 p.m. at MountainView Ballroom West) is Jesus and Judaism: Ways That Never Parted. Over the centuries Jesus played a significant role, both negative and positive, in Jewish history. Sessions will explore three critical illustrations not only of his importance in the spiritual life of the Jewish people, but in the philosophy of Zionism as well.

Session I – Jesus In Jewish Tradition: Rejection and Reclamation

Session II – Jesus and the Charismatic Figure of the Hassidic Rebbe: Parallels and Distinctions

Session III – Jesus As the Consummate Symbol of Ethical Zionism in Modern Hebrew Literature

Additional programs are being planned for the coming months and details will be forthcoming—more to enjoy!

Questions? Call Mark Schwartz at 703-209-8013 or email