Institute for Jewish Services and Studies


Yvette Sabulsky

Join us February 23, for Shabbat services, at 7:00 p.m. in the MVCC West Ballroom. Rabbi Sandy Seltzer officiates and Cantorial Soloist Sarah Bollt, accompanied by Carolyn Cochran provide beautiful hymns. Oneg Shabbat follows services.

Preceding services join us for a community dinner in the MVCC Bistro, East Room. Contact Ellie Adelman at 818-3062 or to make a reservation.

Shabbat services continue on March 23, and April 27, 2018 at 7:00 p.m. and are held in the MVCC West ballroom.

SPECIAL PROGRAM: The Jewish Impact on American Popular Music, from Irving Berlin to Bob Dylan presented by Susan Kravitz

Join us for what promises to be a fun filled evening with Susan presenting a program on popular music by Jewish composers on March 20 at 7:00 p.m. at SaddleBrooke One Activity Center.

Susan has a unique background in health care and has a passion for music that has helped her use her musical ability as therapy with patients and as a morale booster for hospital staff at South Oaks Hospital in New York. She taught ILR courses “American History Through Folk Music” and “The Blues and Music of the 60s,” and will teach “Music of the 60s Part II” this spring. Susan is a co-founder and co-instructor in a new group, SaddleBrooke Improv Comedy Club; she has performed at various fund raising and educational events and works part-time at Anshei Israel pre-school as a music specialist.

For additional information about the Institute, if interested in joining or have questions about IJSS, contact Sam Horowitz, Institute Chair, 468-6994 or Joan Elder, Assistant Chair, 825-0190.