In Passing

Garrett John Dwane

In memory of Garrett John Dwane, born July 14, 1934 in Dublin, Ireland – passed on September 18, 2017 in SaddleBrooke, Arizona.

During the last year of his life Garrett demonstrated courage as he fought pancreatic cancer; he outlived the experts’ estimates by close to nine months. He is survived by his loving wife Miliane, daughters Annette and Deirdre, son Michael (Marissa), grandchildren Ariel, Aden, Griffin and Aine who over the last year have all had the opportunity to come to his side and share their personal goodbyes.

Garrett and his wife Miliane Frey settled in SaddleBrooke in 2006. He was active in the SaddleBrooke Golf Men’s Niners. A SaddleBrooke community gathering was planned in his honor, October 5, 2017.

Garrett’s accomplishments are too numerous to recount here but they were diverse and unique. Garrett migrated to the United Stated in 1957 and met his first wife on a trip back to Ireland. It was a love at first sight meeting for him and in his usual fashion he pulled out all the stops to overcome any challenges and win Anne Molloy’s heart.

He was well known for his ability to turn a phrase and the wisdom of his words. One of his favorite phrases was “a great life demands courage” and by all accounts he had a great life. Garrett came to America with less than $20 in his pocket and with the courage of a lion he embraced the challenges of the business world and rose to the top becoming CEO of Southwest Administrators, Inc. He was not someone to forget where he came from and would teach those around him through example to remember to lookout for the little guy or less fortunate.

Garrett had many passions in his life; family, business, friends, writing and golf, but sailing was by far his greatest. To see him at the helm, on a day with small craft warning, one could not help but to have seen a human being in his bliss. His chin pointing into the breeze, the salty spray off the boats bow, his eyes focused on the horizon with a steely stare, his mouth poised almost smiling ready to bark out a command to his crew, at those moments one could see his pure joy and essence.

Garrett will be buried at sea through the Neptune society on a date to be announced soon. In lieu of flowers Garrett would like for you to take someone you love out and make them feel loved and special as he has been blessed to have many people love him.

If you would like to share any memories, please send Deirdre Dwane an email at