A Season of Change: Late spring as it turns to summer is supposed to be calmer, restful, and free of excitement. Not so at the Institute of Judaic Services and Studies (IJSS). Rabbi Sanford Seltzer, who is rejoining us as our rabbi, was aware of the need for a cantorial soloist and accompanist. Talk about the calvary coming to the rescue. Rabbi Seltzer identified a cantorial soloist and accompanist. Both are very talented and versed in Judaic prayers and melodies. Next month, we will feature the experiences of Eliyanah Powers, cantorial soloist, and Harrison Sheckler, accompanist.
For some summer enjoyment, you may wish to look at a few websites for a bit of fun, inspiration, and thought.
Aish.com strives to inspire people to live more thoughtful, spiritual, and impactful lives through learning and sharing timeless Jewish wisdom. Recently featuring “My Visit to Walter Reed Army Medical Center” and “Ida’s Classic Cheese Blintzes Recipe.”
Tablet magazine is an online magazine at digest@tabletmag.com. The site features Jewish life, news, essays, podcasts, and, of course, opinion. Tablet covers myriad subjects, including the arts, pop culture, technology, holidays, sports, and more. An example:
“A Reunion Postponed: As refugees streamed out of Ukraine, an Israeli man offered shelter to the descendants of the people who once saved his ancestors from the Nazis. It wasn’t quite as simple as it seemed.”
Jewish Virtual Library (jewishvirtuallibrary.org) is an Encyclopedia of Jewish and Israeli history, politics, and culture, including biographies, statistics, articles, and documents on topics from anti-Semitism to Zionism. It is worth the time to browse, learn, and be amazed!
My Jewish Learning is a site about Judaism and Jewish life (myjewishlearning.com), including Torah portions, beliefs and practices, studies, recipes, holidays, and more. Currently running is a series “Jews and Ukraine; It’s complicated.” The series is worth a read.
And then there is Jewish Heritage Travel (info@jhtravel.org). Pack your suitcase as you look at tours to Northern Spain to study mysticism, music, and poetry. Current offerings include The Jews of Ireland; Alsace & the Rhineland, The Birthplace of Ashkenazi Jewry; Jewish Jewels of the Baltics, Lithuania, Latvia, and Estonia, among other adventures.
Remembering and Honoring: All of us have experienced at one time or another the loss of someone dear. A Jewish practice is Yahrzeit (the Yiddish word for “anniversary”) and refers specifically to the anniversary of the date of a person’s passing. We commemorate the event with a candle and reciting of the Mourner’s Kaddish.
IJSS board members Jeff Syden and Joel Wyner created a website for our congregation who wish to honor the passing of a person. Jeff took me through the learning curve to access and add my loved ones to the site. But some background information first: The site for IJSS is partnered with the National Jewish Memorial Wall to provide a way that congregants and friends can commemorate and acknowledge their deceased. Since we don’t have a permanent building, this website augments the plaque and Yahrzeit memorial that would normally be in the synagogue. The site identifies the Yahrzeit remembrance, sends reminders, and has a place where you can store your personal memories of the deceased. Primarily, this is a platform for our community to capture family history and heritage through the sharing of stories and pictures.
You can access the site via www.NJMW.org/ijss or www.nationaljewishmemorialwall.com/ijss. Once on the site, you will find many choices you can explore, including online plaques, Yahrzeit reminders, planting a tree in Israel, and other options. We encourage you to take a look and review plans and their pricing. If you need assistance, please reach out to Joel Wyner at jjaz612@q.com or Jeff Syden at jefsy760@gmail.com. They will be happy to assist you.
IJSS is a small, active, and welcoming congregation. If you have questions or wish to join our congregation, please contact Joan Elder at 520-360-1478 or Seth Eisner at 520-818-6340 for information.
Wishing you a wonderful summer.