How to Be a Hero

Mary Jo Bellner Swartzberg

“I think a hero is any person really intent on making this a better place for all people.” —Maya Angelou

Want to be a hero? It is so simple! Just try doing some of the following:

Picking up your pet’s feces when walking in our beautiful SaddleBrooke community;

Staying on the golf cart path when walking on our golf courses;


Making a complete stop at stop signs here in SaddleBrooke rather than rolling through them;

Volunteering for a cause here in SaddleBrooke;

Understanding that everyone is entitled to his/her opinion;

Appreciating the work our golf course marshals do—every day;

Appreciating the diversity (e.g., race, religion, ethnicity, gender) in our culture;

Recognizing the fact that our common areas and golf course caretakers work extremely hard to keep SaddleBrooke looking in tip-top shape;

Supporting the arts here in SaddleBrooke;

Allowing for the fact that our restaurants can, at times, be short-staffed, so be patient;

Tipping your servers for the hard work they do;

Standing up when the national anthem is played;

Removing your hat when the national anthem is played;

Appreciating our veterans and those who are currently serving in the Armed Forces;

Supporting local businesses—whenever possible;

Donating to, or shopping at, the Golden Goose Thrift Shop;

Choosing not to climb into the ditches on our golf courses to save your $3 golf ball (thereby averting a serious injury); and (finally) …

Reviewing and considering all of these hero suggestions!