Canada Del Oro Barbershop Chorus
Nancy Bergman
SaddleBrooke’s Canada Del Oro Barbershop Chorus (CDOBC) is proud to present another evening of entertaining holiday music on December 9 at the DesertView Performing Arts Center at 7:30 p.m. The CDO Chorus will be joined by the Tucson Barbershop Chorus to delight with chorus and quartet performances.
An enthusiastic audience will especially enjoy our featured guest quartet, “Ms. Cellaneous,” from Los Angeles and Scottsdale. They are the most entertaining quartet to come along for a long while – and they are great singers! They excite an audience with their upbeat songs, thrill them with their tender ballads—and keep ‘em rolling in the aisles with their subtle brand of humor!
In addition to the medals they’ve earned in Sweet Adeline competition, they are the 2016 Los Angeles Harmony Sweepstakes A Cappella Champions and audience favorites—and placed third in the A Cappella National Finals!
Get your reserved seat tickets now at the HOA 2 Administration Ticket Office (825-2818) or at www.dvpac.net — just $23 for a fun evening of great musical entertainment!