Hiking book author Bruce Grubbs to speak October 19th

Dale Leman

We are pleased to have hiking book author Bruce Grubbs speak at the upcoming October 19, 2016 SaddleBrooke Hiking Club meeting. The meeting will start at 4:00 p.m. (note the new start time) in the HOA 1 Activity Center and is open to all SaddleBrooke and SaddleBrooke Ranch residents.

To date Mr. Grubbs has written over 30 hiking guides covering essentially all of Arizona and parts of California, Oregon and Nevada. When writing a recent book, The Creaky Knees Guide Arizona, he must have been thinking of us SaddleBrooke hikers. He states, “It is filled with 80 kinder, gentler trails for anyone who—regardless of age—can’t or doesn’t want to hike great distances over rough terrain to gain beautiful vistas and enjoy the wilderness.” Bruce will describe what goes into creating his guides including how he determines which trails to include and exclude.

In addition to writing books, Bruce has been a wild-land firefighter, run a mountain shop and flown airplanes. He is a backcountry skier, a photographer, climber, figure skater, mountain biker, amateur radio operator, river runner and sea kayaker—but the thing that really floats his boat is hiking and backpacking. No matter what he tries, he always comes back to hiking, especially long, rough, cross-country trips in places such as the Grand Canyon.

Come join fellow SaddleBrooke residents at 4:00 p.m. on October 19 to learn how and why hiking guidebooks are created. Following the meeting everyone is encouraged to come to the Agave Lounge in the SaddleBrooke Clubhouse for a drink. For more information about the program and the hiking club, contact Dale Leman at 520-343-9103 or dale.leman@gmail.com.