Hikers on the 50 Year Trail: Bill Brown, Kathy Jensen, Jan Springer, Elissa Cochran, Kathy Madore, Yvette Sabulsky, Linda Rodrick, Bruce Sabulsky, and Georgette Brown (Ray Peale is not in the photo). (Photo by Elisabeth Wheeler)
Elisabeth Wheeler
The SaddleBrooke Hiking Club’s fall picnic is an optimal opportunity to connect with our hiking friends who have been gone during the summer months. Eleven of us also enjoyed the camaraderie of hiking the Ridgeline to 50 Year Trail loop before the picnic. The temperatures were cool, the views of the Tortolitas and Santa Catalinas were stunning, several fall wildflowers were smiling for us, and the surprised blacktail rattlesnake we saw just slithered peacefully away from us. It was a fun hike for Elissa Cochran, Jan Springer, Kathy Jensen, Bill and Georgette Brown, Kathryn Madore, Yvette and Bruce Sabulsky, Linda Rodrick, Ray Peale, and hiking guide Elisabeth Wheeler.