Help Improve Lives

You can help improves lives—yours and many of those less fortunate. All the profits of the Golden Goose Thrift Shop go to supporting SaddleBrooke Community Outreach and IMPACT of Southern Arizona. Finally, a way to get back more than you give, guaranteed! You can volunteer on the Golden Goose truck, picking up donations—you put in a few hours a week, on your schedule, and in addition to doing good for the community, you get so much back—good exercise (you can count it as gym day) and you get to see areas and neighborhoods you would never otherwise even know existed, let alone experience. We are looking for able-bodied men who can do moderately heavy lifting. We have moving dollies and hand trucks and a power lift on the truck, so it’s not really strenuous. Every month, you put in for the days you can volunteer for the next month. There are two guys on the truck, and it’s out five days a week, in the morning, usually for about 4 hours.

Research has shown for years that people who volunteer are happier and live longer. So please consider this opportunity to contribute to a very worthy cause. Orientation is on the third Monday of every month where you will see the operation, from receiving to merchandise out the door, and learn what makes the Goose one of the most successful and loved thrift shops in the country. As a bonus, if you decide to join us, you’ll get a Goose T-shirt and hat. Call 520-825-9101 to let them know you’ll be there, or just come to the volunteer door at 3 p.m. on the third Monday to get started.

If you have questions or want more information, you can call Charlotte James at 520-825-3856. Thank you. We look forward to having you on board.

Visit for full details on the Golden Goose Thrift Shop.