Having Difficulty Reading a Print Book: Listen to CD Audiobooks for Free

Sharon Scanlan and Marly Mora

Did you know that our SaddleBrooke community has a very special program that is funded by the Friends of the SaddleBrooke Libraries, administered by Senior Village, and supported by the vast audiobook collection at DesertView Library? All three organizations are unique amenities in active adult communities.

Most of us enjoy reading and consider it one of life’s greatest pleasures, especially during the last few years when we were home during the COVID-19 pandemic! Many older adults find that age-related challenges keep us from enjoying reading as much as in the past. That small print seems to get smaller and smaller! Or vision issues may have limited your reading. Audiobooks offer the opportunity to continue enjoying books, stimulate our minds, and enhance our quality of life.

Audiobooks are on CDs. Some are read by the author, while others are narrated by a voice actor. The audiobook collection in SaddleBrooke is available at the DesertView Library, and there are almost 1,000 titles available in fiction and nonfiction. The newest audiobooks that are published are purchased each month.

Many library patrons do not have CD players or no longer have automobiles with CD players to listen to audiobooks. Senior Village, through a grant funded by the Friends of the SaddleBrooke Libraries, has CD players to lend to members.

Don’t worry about being tech savvy! Using audiobooks is easier than you think. Senior Village and 20-year library volunteer Bente Fongemie is available to help you with the loan of the CD player and assist with easy instructions on how to access books using a library patron account. (Your SaddleBrooke HOA member card is not used.) If you don’t have an account, she will help set one up. Bente can be contacted at [email protected] or call 520-825-8543.

Senior Village is a nonprofit organization providing services to its SaddleBrooke members to help them live independently. They are “Neighbors Helping Neighbors.”

Friends of the SaddleBrooke Libraries is also a nonprofit that provides funding to purchase all new books and DVDs in the SaddleBrooke Libraries.

DesertView Library is one of three libraries in SaddleBrooke. All residents can open free accounts at either the SaddleBrooke or DesertView Libraries.

For more information on these great organizations in our community, visit the following websites: www.sbfsl.org, www.seniorvillage.org, and www.sblibraries.com.