March 31 GLAAS panel on religion and spirituality
Jo Ann Ellison
June is Gay Pride Month, and GLAAS (Gays, Lesbians, and Allies at SaddleBrooke) is celebrating with a ‘60s bash and potluck on Friday, June 30, at 5 p.m. in the SaddleBrooke One Activity Center, 64518 E. Galveston Lane. There will be dinner, dancing, games, and prizes for the best costumes. Dress in your best ‘60s and ‘70s disco attire. To RSVP, email us at [email protected]. And if you would like to bring something, let us know what you are bringing (you do not have to bring a dish to come) when you RSVP.
GLAAS is a social club open to all SaddleBrooke residents that welcomes all gender orientations and identities, races, and political and religious beliefs. GLAAS members do not tolerate hate.
We host monthly meetings to celebrate members and guests’ camaraderie, including games to bring fun to the membership, interesting speakers to stimulate thoughtful conversation and continual learning, and charitable giving events.
In March, GLAAS hosted a potluck and panel on religion and spirituality. There were 55 members and guests in attendance. There was a wonderful exchange between the panelists and members.
Our fabulous speakers were:
Rachel Srubas, pastor, Mountain Shadows Presbyterian Church, 3201 E. Mountainaire Drive (off of Oracle)
Siri-Dya (SD) Khalsa, Sikh practitioner, Tai Chi master, and personal trainer
Kathy Khalsa, scholar of the Jewish faith
This past April, GLAAS started a Sunshine Committee in order to express sympathy or concern for fellow GLAAS members in the event of illness or bereavement. The committee will be led by Madeline Bosma, with members Fran Dorr, Mike and Diane Buckley, and Rick Carlson.
Save the Date for These Upcoming Events:
June 30: Gay Pride Party—Games/dancing/’60s and ‘70s theme
No meeting in July
Aug. 25: TBD
Sept. 29: TBD
Oct. 27: Halloween Party—Start working on your costumes now! Prizes for best costume, best jack-o’-lantern will be awarded
Nov. 17: GLAAS celebrates its 10-year anniversary! GLAAS Board of Directors elections. Update from the Thornhill Lopez Center for LGBTQ Youth in Need
Dec. 8: Holiday Party
For more information, go to www.glaasclub.com or email us at [email protected].