Susan Tjossem

Charles Riddell
Patty Elliott
For years we have known that children who learn to sing and play music are better learners particularly when it comes to math, science and language arts.
Recent research is promoting a related experience for adults. As Ellie Kallal reports in Loving Life After 50, singing or playing new music, going to rehearsals and listening to other people sing and play music are all keys to living a better life.
SaddleBrooke offers many options to gain the benefits of a longer, healthier life through singing, playing and listening to music. One great opportunity is with the Resurrection Singers from Resurrection Church at SaddleBrooke where music is an integral part of the worship services.
Voices of all types and abilities are welcome to join the Resurrection Singers throughout the year. Practices are held at 1:00 p.m. each Wednesday in MountainView’s Sonoran Room. Every Sunday the choir adds to the worship services.
Two experienced musicians lead the Resurrection Singers. Our Director Charles Riddell has a wealth of experience with choirs. Susan Tjossem adds her talents as an accompanist and vocalist. Both are widely known for their musical talents at a variety of area churches.
Resurrection at SaddleBrooke is an all-denominational Christian Church meeting year round at the SaddleBrooke Clubhouse in the Vermilion Room. From October through April the church offers two Sunday services – 8:30 and 10:00 a.m.
Soloists and small groups usually sing for the early service. The full choir sings for the 10:00 a.m. service throughout the year.
All are welcome to join us in worship and to enjoy the happiness that comes from singing in a choir.