Great Decisions 2024 Program Underway

Barb Schaepe

SaddleBrooke Great Decisions launched its 2024 program in January and continues through April. Meetings are held on Mondays from 3 to 5 p.m. in the East Ballroom of the MountainView Clubhouse, unless otherwise noted.

Great Decisions is America’s largest discussion program focused on world affairs. SaddleBrooke Great Decisions strives to serve as a catalyst for developing awareness, understanding, and informed opinion on U.S. foreign policy and global issues.

At the Jan. 15 meeting, NATO’s future was discussed, including the U.S.’s role and whether expanding membership will protect NATO countries or provoke Russia. The Jan. 29 meeting focused on the topic of the U.S. and the Middle East: how the U.S. can continue to defend its interests there and whether it will continue to be the primary power in the region.

February’s meeting dates, topics, and discussion leaders are as follows:

Feb. 19: Climate Technology & Competition. Discussion leader Lockwood Carlson. Will the United States and China, with other powerful countries following suit, approach current and future climate initiatives with an increased commitment to trade protectionism and nationalism, by various measures, including trade restrictions? Or could a growing spirit of international accord develop to confront the “common enemy” of climate change?

Feb. 26 (MountainView West Ballroom): U.S.-China Trade Rivalry/U.S. and China Investment Strategies. Discussion leader Boyd Bosma. China’s economic rise and its current policies of increasing the role of the state in the economy have led some U.S. policymakers to seek to deny China access to U.S. technology and investment. This is seen as a necessary corrective to decades of predatory Chinese economic policies. Is this a wise strategy, and how effective can it be?

In March the following topics will be discussed:

March 4:  Science Across Borders (Cooperation and Regulation)

March 11:  Understanding Indonesia

The Great Decisions 2024 Briefing Book with readings on these topics is available for purchase through Tucson Great Decisions at by clicking on the “Materials” tab. The cost is $29 plus $5 shipping.

Prior to meetings, members are encouraged to read the Briefing Book summary for that meeting’s topic. At meetings, members watch a documentary film, listen to a presentation followed by a brief question and answer period, and then split up into small groups to discuss issues related to each meeting’s topic. Finally, each group reports the most pertinent takeaways gleaned from its discussion.

The goal of the small group discussions is to deepen one’s awareness and understanding of the issues as they relate to and shape U.S. foreign policy objectives. Discussion participants are encouraged to think critically, listen carefully to others, speak their minds freely but not monopolize the discussion, engage in friendly disagreement while trying to understand others’ positions, maintain an open mind, and employ humor and a pleasant manner in making a point.

Membership in SaddleBrooke Great Decisions is $5 per person per year, payable via check or cash at a meeting. Further information about SaddleBrooke Great Decisions is available at Questions can be addressed to Sandy Epstein at, or phone Sherry Kaplan at 847-528-1968.