Bonnie Barker and Phyllis Sarrels

Sandra Murray
Carmela Pankey
It’s hard to believe that the month of April is over. It seems that we were just welcoming the snowbirds back to their SaddleBrooke home and we are now saying farewell to them for another season. Be safe in your travels home wherever you may be heading.
Our membership continues to grow as we added two new members. Welcome Connie Jo Culley and Nancy Fuller-Wilson to our ranks.
The Southern District Women’s Golf Association is asking for our participation in their upcoming event, the Spring/Summer 4-Ball tournament to be held at Dove Mountain on May 25 and 26. With the winter visitors leaving for home, there are opportunities for year round residents to play in this fun event. Please support the SDWGA by going to their website for more details. This information is also located on the bulletin board outside the ladies rest room.
Sincere thanks to Charley Johnson, Ann Running, Nancy Huffman, Judy Melo and Jean Molitor for volunteering to serve on the nominating committee for the coming year. Think about how each of us can give back to our association by volunteering to serve.
On July 26, SBWGA will be hosting the Bee-Cuz We Care Tournament with proceeds going to the University of Arizona Cancer Center. This is a four person scramble for ladies only; no handicap needed. The Nine Hole golfers will join the rest of the field at 11:45 a.m. Lunch will be followed by a raffle for a unique golf quilt. See the bulletin board after May 13 for more details or speak to Geri Sandilands, Nancy Huffman or Jo Anne Turner for more information about this outstanding, fun and worthwhile event.
Kathy DeMerritt and Phyllis Taylor have been doing such an amazing job on all of the Kachina events this season. We are looking forward to May 23 when SBWGA will be hosting. This is our moment to shine! We have so many reasons to be proud of our courses so, if you are not able to play, please donate your golf cart for the day or ask the Kachina chairs if they need help making this the best Kachina day of all.
The annual tournament with our sister golf club, MountainView/Preserve Women’s Golf Association (MPWGA) is just around the corner. The theme this year is Home, Home on the Range. Players can choose to play at MountainView on May 24 and also at SaddleBrooke on May 31 or just one day at either club. This event is a great opportunity for our association to meet other Brookes on their own courses. For more information on fees, start times and menu choices see the bulletin board in the computer room or contact Ret Convey or Audrey Costello.
Congratulations to the Club Champion Bonnie Barker and the Senior Club Champion Phyllis Sarrels. What a great accomplishment. You are proudly distinguished in joining with those who have gone before.
Saving the best for last, there were two members who achieved a hole-in-one this past month; Deborah Ousley and Sandra Murray share in this rare distinction. Well done, ladies!
Until next time, love golf and welcome the luck that the game offers as well.