Garden Club welcomes new members

Diana Sigler

Are you blessed with shiny green thumbs that make every plant they touch grown into specimens worthy of photos on seed packets? Or are your thumbs more earth colored—like brown?

No matter! If you like gardening, whether it be growing veggies, herbs or flowers, the Garden Club can help you find answers. We meet once a month at 9:30 on a Tuesday morning, six months out of the year. Our meetings are held in the homes of members and our format is open, friendly and flexible.

After snacking on light refreshments provided by the host or hostess of the meeting we take a slow tour of the yard. All questions are welcome: What type of plant is that? What about watering? Feeding? Pruning? Other gardening issues may be discussed such as plant pests, soil requirements, thinning and sun and shade requirements.

We are a small group and are looking for others who share a passion, or at least a casual interest, in gardening of all types. If you would like to come to a meeting please call Barbara Holland at 818-1112 for more information.

Hope to see you soon!