Photo by Mary Klootwyk
Mary Klootwyk
When you complete square dance lessons, you have 25 or 45 new friends. And friends are not easy to come by! On March 30, 15 people attended lessons sponsored by the SaddleBrooke Square Dance Club and finished the basic set of square dance moves called Mainstream and were eager to move on to learn the next level of dancing called Plus. The impact of square dancing is evident by the following comments from several of these new dancers:
“Lynne and I arrived in SaddleBrooke from Canada in early January, and one of the first activities we engaged in was square dancing! We joined the Mainstream class, officially being designated “retreads,” as we did dance some 35 years ago! The class was simply great. Lots of energetic and friendly people who were just as good as us at messing up a call. The caller, Bob, and our “tutor,” Mike, made us feel right at home and taught us the “language” (calls) of square dancing exceptionally well. We thoroughly enjoyed our twice-a-week outing with these people and are pleased to say we “graduated” last week. We now move on to the next level in preparation for dancing with the entire club. Many, many thanks to the SaddleBrooke Square Dancers for making us feel so very welcome.” —Paul Delaney and Lynne Fonseca
“I’d like to mention that some of us new dancers are beginning new chapters of our lives, embracing a brand-new hobby, or revisiting an interest from our past. After the death of a spouse and claiming the title “widow,” they say to wait a year to make changes or redirect life steps. Agreed. During year two, though, I was ready to carve out a new path for my life to move forward. As an introvert, it’s extremely challenging for me to enter a square dance hall full of people I don’t know. But I’ve come to appreciate I need an activity that involves some socializing. Of course, many of these strangers become friends. Also, I need to laugh—to laugh at the learning process, to laugh at myself, to laugh at everyone, not in a mocking way. A lot is written about the mental and physical benefits of learning to square dance. I think there are many other benefits, including cooperation within the group, trust-building, and, especially, accepting and offering support. My square dance journey is in its adolescence, and I’m enjoying every lesson!” —Laine Sterkowitz
Square dancing can open up a whole new world. Live Lively—Square Dance!
Check out our website www.saddlebrookesquares.com for more information and to learn how you can join in this great activity.