DeGrazia: The Man and the Myth – November 19 and 20
Mary Kopp
The Friends of SaddleBrooke Libraries is hosting two events in November featuring the life and work of noted Tucson artist Ted DeGrazia.
A lecture about DeGrazia is set for 4:00 p.m., November 19 in the MountainView East Ballroom. DeGrazia biographer James W. Johnson will share stories he collected in researching the 2013 book DeGrazia: The Man and the Myths.
Johnson, a former reporter with the Arizona Daily Star, is a graduate of the University of Arizona’s School of Journalism and also served on the school faculty. His reporter skills helped uncover many of the hidden details that make up the DeGrazia story. Joining Johnson in telling about unraveling the DeGrazia mysteries is Marilyn D. Johnson, his wife and professional colleague.
The lecture is free to FSL members. Nonmembers pay $5 at the door. Seating is open with no reservations or preregistration required.
If the lecture inspires you to learn more about a uniquely Tucson treasure, a private guided tour of DeGrazia’s Gallery in the Sun is being held at 10:00 a.m., November 20. The Johnsons will provide a 90 minute tour of the DeGrazia home, chapel, gravesite and gallery, providing insight and commentary.
The free tour is limited to 40 participants. Signups will be taken at the November 19 lecture. Transportation to the gallery at 6300 N. Swan Road is on your own. The gallery and other buildings were designed and built by DeGrazia.
One of the most reproduced artists of the 20th century, DeGrazia is known to many around the world for the faceless Indian and Mexican children featured on UNICEF Christmas cards. Success as a commercial artist is only one aspect of his many endeavors. Learn about some of his other passions at the lecture and tour.
For more information about the lecture or tour, contact Kay White at 818-9482 or Visit FSL online at to find out more about upcoming events.
Photos courtesy of the DeGrazia Gallery in the Sun.
Chico’s special event
Join your friends for a special day of shopping at Chico’s at Casa Adobes Shopping Center, 7003 N. Oracle Road on Saturday, November 8 from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.
Our local Chico’s has generously offered their support to the Friends of SaddleBrooke Libraries. A portion of all sales between 10:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m. will be donated to FSL. What a great time to pick out that new holiday outfit, buy a gift for your favorite friend or just add a little glitz and glamour to your wardrobe!
So bring your shopping buddies and enjoy the light refreshments provided, shop till you drop and help support the SaddleBrooke Libraries.
If you have any questions or need additional information please contact Diana Budic at 818-7970 or
Please visit Friends of the Libraries website for upcoming events, current information and unanticipated event changes.
Open Board Member positions for January 2015
The Friends of the SaddleBrooke Libraries (FSL) is a wonderful organization dedicated to keeping the SaddleBrooke Libraries funded so we can continue to enjoy the newest best sellers, favorite authors, audiobooks, DVDs, large print books and the popular Lecture Series as well as Meeting the Author luncheons. In order for this organization to continue we must rely on our hard working volunteers. For the last 13 years we have been blessed to have had talented and dedicated volunteers to assist in our efforts.
As of January 2015 there will be two Board of Directors openings for the positions Special Events and Public Relations Chairs.
Special Events (SE) committee chair will plan and develop all fundraising programs and projects approved by the Board to accomplish annual planning goals. The SE chair, in cooperation and with assistance of the Board, will create a special events committee that will develop and conduct designated events such as Game Day.
Public Relations committee chair will act as liaison between the Board members and the public. Public Relations publicity includes, but is not limited to, print, electronic, email blast, website, radio, flyer, banner and photography media to promote FSL events. The PR committee chair will create a committee to provide the necessary publicity medium for particular events or initiatives.
If you have any interest in any of these positions, please contact Barry Swartzberg, vice president FSL at We thank you for your continued support of the Friends of the SaddleBrooke Libraries.