Nancy McCluskey-Moore
Are you searching for something new to do? Help the Friends of SaddleBrooke Libraries (FSL) raise the money our libraries need to keep the shelves stocked with interesting material. Much of the work can be done from anywhere—perfect for seasonal residents or travelers. Please consider how you can help and let your friends and neighbors know about these opportunities.
The FSL board needs volunteers for the following positions:
Communications Chair and Team Members
* Creatively utilize print and electronic media to draw attention to FSL, its mission, and its role in the community.
* Generate demand for the benefits of FSL memberships, interesting programs FSL offers, and exciting events that help FSL raise money for the SaddleBrooke community libraries.
If you live here seasonally or often travel, these tasks can be done anywhere Internet service is available.
Special Events Chair and Team Members
* Create and offer special events for the SaddleBrooke community in order to raise money for our libraries.
Some activities require physically being in SaddleBrooke (in-season), but some tasks can be done via Internet or phone.
Membership Chair and Team Members
* Develop and implement creative ways to attract, recruit, engage, and retain members.
Some activities require physically being in SaddleBrooke (in-season), but some tasks can be done via Internet or phone.
Constituent Relationships Chair
* Recommend effective use of Bloomerang to FSL’s Board of Directors. Bloomerang is a hosted, donor-management software application for non-profits, similar to CRM for businesses.
* Oversee work to maintain the database of FSL members, donors, and supporters.
If you live here seasonally or often travel, these tasks can be done anywhere Internet service is available.
If you are interested in any of these volunteer roles or want to know more, contact FSL President Laura Pauli at 520-818-1742 or or FSL Vice President Barry Swartzberg at 520-825-0463 or