Tami Graeber and her first-place quilt Victorian Trellis
Sheri Nockels
The SaddleBrooke Friday Quilters were proudly represented at the Tucson Quilt Fiesta. Three of our members, Tami Graeber, Stephanie Nordlin, and Lynne Saul, were volunteers, wearing white protective gloves the entire time. Lynne Saul showed the backs of quilts to Fiesta attendees upon request. The show was a three-day event, drawing quilters from all over. The judge, from Northern Arizona, critiqued more than 200 quilts. Because a quilt can win multiple ribbons, five of our quilters’ entries won 12 ribbons! Quilters were limited to how many judged quilts they could enter, so some quilts were in the Non-Judged category simply for the enjoyment of attendees. Paula Fulton, Teri Caplener, and Varda Main all had quilts in this category for everyone to admire!
Athena Taylor won first place with her quilt titled “Heart and Soul in a Quilt” and third place in the Modern category with her quilt “Every Which Way.” She entered a non-judged display quilt and, unexpectedly, won Show Co-Director’s Ribbon for “A Study in Fillers.” Tami Graeber had four submissions. Quilters around the country can enjoy three of them, because they’re headed for national shows! She won two ribbons in the Thread Painting category: “Tiles, Tapestry, and a Teal Tail” placed first, and “Bienvenidos” placed second in the Pictorial/Whimsical and Art Pictorial categories. “Bienvenidos” also won first place as Viewer’s Choice award. Awarded by her peers, Tami considers this her highest award ever! No surprise, this quilt is headed for the Minnesota quilt show. She also won first place for her beautiful Victorian Trellis, which will be in the Paducah, Ky., show. Stephanie Nordlin also ribboned in the Pictorial/Whimsical category, placing third with her 3-D quilt “Sonoran Poppy Trio.” She also won first for her quilt “The Guardian.” Her third entry, “Sunset Symphony,” was in the Non-Judged category. Lynne Saul entered two quilts for judging and two non-judged quilts. She won an Honorable Mention for “Saguaro National Park East.” Pat Morris entered two spectacular quilts: Both were winners! Her “Flower Garden” won second place, and “No Leaf Left Unturned” won third place in the category Hand Applique. The judge was particularly impressed with her near-perfect hand stitching. Her quilts looked as though they were machine quilted! The Northwest Tucson Art Quilters had a special exhibit that incorporated sheets of copper metal. A member, Varda Main, made a quilt of 3-D gingko leaves floating down from a branch. All quilts entered were amazing, but we think our SaddleBrooke Friday Quilters’ entries were the best!