Carol Ann “CA” Small in her studio.

“Portrait of a Dog” is a commissioned work by CA Small.
Varda Main
Meet Carol Ann Small, also known as “CA.” CA’s a member of SaddleBrooke Friday Quilters and came from the architectural/engineering drafting world where everything’s precise, and straight lines are king. When she retired, she didn’t want to draw straight lines or use precise measurements any more.
Although CA has been sewing since the age of seven, it was until 2007 that she started playing when an issue of Quilting Arts magazine caught her eye. She hasn’t looked back since!
CA took quilting lessons from fellow SaddleBrooker, Eileen Bonk, and her creations became freer and she added dimension. Then, CA discovered thread painting, and she knew she’d found her niche. Thread painting is a technique where the quilter uses thread in the same way an artist uses paint and brush.
CA used to be a golfer, and when she’d play, she spent more time looking around at the fallen pieces of bark than concentrating on her game. These became embellishments in her fiber art.
CA donates many pieces to SaddleBrooke fundraisers. She’s sold works at two shows in Oracle as well as the Fine Arts’ Arts & Crafts shows in SaddleBrooke. Now she sells through the Absolutely Art Gallery in Catalina and does commissioned work. CA has taught at Cactus Quilts and now teaches private lessons and holds workshops for children. CA loves teaching children as they let their imaginations fly. In 2018 with Varda Main, CA founded SaddleBrooke Fiber Arts Club, a sub-group of Friday Quilters.
CA says that she’s so fortunate to be in a community with supportive people, great facilities and with good health and plentiful time to be free and creative.