Toasting our dinner, left to right: Mylinda Guillen, Jan DiEnno, Pat Smith, Lennie Good, Linda and Jim Gray
Pat Smith
Once again, the recipe books of famous French chefs, Julia Child and Jacques Pepin, were removed from the pantry by dozens of SaddleBrooke Francophiles and poured through for unique dishes to serve at our annual Progressive Dinner, honoring the talents of these two world class culinary artists. This particular event also honors our organization’s founders, Bill and Suzanne Brown, and it is organized and chaired by Pat Dawydowych.
SaddleBrooke Francophiles, who are “lovers of all things French,” met on November 12 at the home of its chairperson, Pat Smith, for heavy hors d’oeuvres and complimentary wines served by our sommelier Bob Kramer. After enjoying each of the delicious appetizers everyone departed for the host homes where they were served French dishes gleaned from the same recipe books and paired with outstanding wines from a variety of vineyards. Last stop for the evening was the home of Dave and Mylinda Guillen for some mouthwatering French desserts. This annual Progressive Dinner, again, was a smashing success enjoyed by every Francophile in attendance.
Our next celebration is the Feast of Kings on January 7 followed by Le Chandeleur Crepe Party on February 18, Foods and Wines of the World on March 18 and our annual Spring Fling of games, food and fun on April 15. In addition, our Diners a la Maison intimate dinners in members’ homes will take place on January 19, February 16 and April 20.
If you would like more information on our group, please contact Pat Smith at 825-2409. Vive le France!