Part of the CCSB GriefShare Team: Susan Rajca, Cari and Bruce Block
Cari Block
Anyone who has experienced the loss of a loved one is entering one of the most difficult life experiences. Long after the memorial service and burial, there are emotional, practical and spiritual issues to deal with. There are different stages of healing that can go on for years. Once again, Community Church at SaddleBrooke (CCSB) will begin the GriefShare program.
Many have been helped by this Christian-based program. Some comments from attendees were “I realized that I am not alone in this.” “It helped so much to know that my feelings are normal. I am not crazy.” “Using the scriptures in the workbook helped me grow spiritually.” “The video part of the program was very helpful.” “Hearing from Christian psychologists and those who have been through this kind of loss was healing to me.” A person who joined the program many years after her loss said, “I wish I had gone through this program earlier in my grief.” So, whether your loss is recent or has been many years, there is help and healing available.
Community Church at SaddleBrooke is sponsoring the GriefShare program led by laypersons who have experienced their own losses and includes videos by counseling professionals and small group discussions. On Sunday, October 15, at 1:30 p.m., we will begin with a onetime session of “Surviving the Holidays.” This will be a good opportunity for those who are wondering if the 13-week GriefShare Group is for them to experience one session and gain important tools to help them get through the holidays after their loss. The 13-week program will begin October 29.
All those who have lost a loved one are welcome. For general information regarding the GriefShare program, visit the website, www.griefshare.org. If you would like more information or are interested in attending, call Cari Block at 858-243-3747 or Benny Saiz at 520-818-1563.
The Community Church at SaddleBrooke meets every Sunday morning at 8:30 a.m. in the SaddleBrooke DesertView Theater. We are an all-denominational Christian Church, and all are welcome.