Expired or Unwanted Pills?

Twice monthly volunteers at the Sheriff’s Office Substation in the Mini Mart are available to help dispose of expired or unwanted pills. The schedule is the second Friday of each month and the fourth Tuesday of each month.

January dates:

Friday, Jan. 12, from 10 a.m. to noon

Tuesday, Jan 23, from 2 to 4 p.m.

Please be sure to empty the contents from the plastic containers into sealed Ziploc or similar bags.

They cannot accept liquids, syringes, creams, sharps (needles), etc.


Esta Goldstein, 520-825-1181; Chris Cavicchia, 847-309-3811; Trudy Hogan, 520-360-2225; Danna Koelling, 520-825-9678; Joyce Sutay, 520-825-4220