English Country Dancers get in the holiday spirit

Britt OGrady

This time of year I tend to get very nostalgic about Christmas past in my old country, Sweden.

Besides the food and many traditions surrounding Christmas, most of all I miss the fun of doing the long dances and simple circle dances around the Christmas tree. Starting on Lucia Day, December 13, with the candle-lit procession at school we would dance through the hallways. On Christmas Eve before dinner, everybody would join in a long dance through the house and around the tree.

Dancing would continue on the second day of Christmas (a holiday in Europe) at parties. Nobody would take their tree down before Epiphany and preferably not before 20 days after Yule. To get rid of it always involved a party, mostly for kids, with dancing, games and treats; lots of parties going on into February!

The closest to it here I’ve found is in English Country Dancing; so easy anybody can participate.

So come and join us, with or without a partner, to enjoy the fun and at the same time dance away those extra calories.

There is no fee to participate and we dance every Thursday from 3:30 to about 5:00 p.m. mostly in the spacious Vermilion Room at HOA One clubhouse.

For further information contact Enid Fowler at genenid@wbhsi.net, 520-818-1932 or Kay White atbobwhite@wbhsi.net, 520-818-9482.