Barbara Starrett
SaddleBrooke Freethinkers is honored to have Professor Monica Casper Ph.D. speak on Sunday, Jan. 19, 2020, at 10 a.m. at the MountainView Ballroom with coffee social at 9:30 a.m. Doctor Casper, with three decades of research and action on issues related to violence against women and gender-based violence, will provide a contemporary overview of the issue, including incidence, scope, and impact in the U.S. She will discuss causes of violence that render some people more vulnerable than others and highlight unique issues of campus sexual assault, drawing from recent survey data and to propose solutions for eradicating violence both on and off campus. Contemporary issues, including #MeToo and #TimesUp, will be discussed in the context of prior movements against violence.
Professor Casper is Associate Dean for Faculty Affairs and Inclusion in the College of Social and Behavioral Sciences and Professor of Gender and Women’s Studies and Public Health at the University of Arizona. She is also an affiliated faculty member in the School of Sociology, Africana Studies, and Family and Juvenile Law, and co-founder of the UA Consortium on Gender-Based Violence. She has published several books, including the award-winning The Making of the Unborn Patient: A Social Anatomy of Fetal Surgery. Her current research focuses on biopolitics of infant mortality and maternal health; traumatic brain injury and domestic violence; and global politics of elephant trauma and rescue. She is founding co-editor of the NYU Press book series Biopolitics: Medicine, Technoscience, and Health in the 21st Century and founding co-editor of the newly launched UA Press Book Series, The Feminist Wire Books: Connecting Feminisms, Race, and Social Justice, as well as a managing editor of The Feminist Wire and publisher of TRIVIA: Voices of Feminism. She is a prolific creative writer with publications in numerous literary journals.
SaddleBrooke Freethinkers provides a forum for the responsible search for truth and meaning in understanding and solving human problems by applying science and reason. We believe that tolerance, compassion, equity, and civility should characterize interactions among people and organizations. We strive to achieve these goals through meetings, lectures, and discussions.
SaddleBrooke Freethinkers meetings are held at the MountainView Ballroom on Sunday mornings with coffee social starting at 9:30 a.m. The program begins at 10 a.m. For dates and subjects go to our website:
You can become a member of the SaddleBrooke Freethinkers for $15 per calendar year. This fee includes all lectures and other Freethinkers events like the book club and social events. Lecture program runs Jan.-April and Oct.-Dec. Lectures are open to all SaddleBrooke residents and their guests as space is available. Non-members are encouraged to make a $2 donation to defray costs. All attendees are encouraged to bring non-perishable food items or cash donations for the Tri-Community Food Bank.
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