Dian Kupper and Barb Johnson
Summer is here. We have said goodbye to our snowbirds but there are plenty of us still here to make Tuesday play a lot of fun.
The SaddleBrooke Niners went all out for the Ladies Choice Event on April 23.
Our own dynamic duos combined their powers to take over the SaddleBrooke and Tucson courses for the Ladies Choice Tournament.
Using a Modified Chapman format (not to mention Mighty Mulligans) they took advantage of a beautiful spring day to see who would come out as the victors.
After nine holes of competitive fun, everyone adjourned to the Vistas Dining Room where they were met by more superheroes, our outstanding Food and Beverage Staff, for a delicious luncheon.
We also welcomed a special guest, Allison Honeycutt from Golf Cars of Arizona, one of our sponsors.
After lunch, one of our other superheroes, golf pro Troy Jewkes, announced the day’s winners.
Tucson Course:
1st place: Janice Best and Rick Murray; 2nd place (tie): Dian Kupper and Dick Egolf; Regina Pang and Rich Breves; Closest to the pin: Peter Tucker and Janet Rasmusson.
SaddleBrooke Course:
1st place: JoAnn Ellison and Jim Daily; 2nd place (tie): Marilyn Fisher and Mike Odell; Janet Williams and Mark Karwas; Robbie Summers and Larry Clark; Closest to the pin: Billie Jo Murray and Mark Karwas.
It turned out to be a terrific day and all our superhero dynamic duos had a terrific time saving the courses! It seems that each year gets better and better. What will next year bring?
Special thanks to Barb Johnson and her crew for the hard work and the great write-up she contributed.