Members of the SaddleBrooke Line Dance Club
Sue Robisch
What better way to spend a seasonably warm afternoon, after dancing your favorite line dances, than with cooling and delicious drinks and d’oeuvres with friends. This is what members of the SaddleBrooke Line Dance Club did on a Sunday afternoon in July. The day was very warm, with the promise of a monsoon rain just over the mountain. The girls had just worked up an appetite on the dance floor for a cool drink and lite munchies.
Claudia Rigg graciously opened her home. Beverages were provided by the club, by way of social co-chairs Jeanne Fernandez and Charli Jackson; everyone brought her favorite d’oeuvre. A big thank you to Claudia, Jeanne and Charli for another fun social event.
Line dancing is what we’re all about but we also like to laugh and have fun. If you like to dance, have fun and form new friendships you should check out our website at www.sbldc.weebly.com or contact Dorothy Wood at [email protected]. Our annual membership fee is only $10.