Leslie Fore
The COVID-19 pandemic has affected everyone and especially the most vulnerable.
The Santa Catalina Catholic Church Refugee Ministry (part of the Social Awareness and Justice Ministry) will be collecting items to help refugees who have suffered greatly due to loss of employment, crowded housing conditions, and a lack of basic necessities.
The items will be collected August 11 through 31. Please contact Carolyn Sherwin for drop-off/pick-up information at csherwin427@me.com or 510-334-9376. We need the following items:
* Bars of soap
* Hand sanitizer
* Cleaning products
* Deodorant
* Toothpaste and toothbrushes
* Shampoo and conditioner
* Mouthwash
* Shaving cream
* Lotion
If you would like to make a monetary donation:
* Go to www.lss-sw.org/donate.
* Scroll down and select the “donate now” button.
* Complete the online form.
* Select the optional use of your gift to Refugee & Immigration Services.
Thank you for your kind consideration of this request.