Dollars and Sense: Will the Stock Market Recover?

Premier Coin Galleries

The U.S. stock market is typically positive for midterm election years, though October can be notoriously volatile. By the time you read this article, we’ll have election results and more economic reports to guide us through the rest of the year.

“We have to understand this will take time,” says Vanessa N. Martinez, CEO and founder of Em-Powered Network, a consulting firm. “The Federal Reserve will continue to tighten, but the results won’t be automatic.”

There’s also geopolitical uncertainty about the ongoing war in Ukraine and a potential energy crisis in Europe this winter. Global events impact our stock market, and inflation is persistent around the globe.

Whatever happens, experts are expecting a volatile finish to the year—and where the market is headed is anyone’s guess. As we enter the final earnings season of the year, companies are already lowering their Q4 outlook because of increased prices and borrowing costs, as well as a persistently strong U.S. dollar, which makes U.S. exports more expensive for other countries.

Keep in mind that investments easily outpace inflation over time—even with the normal ups and downs of the market.

Whatever you do, you may want to invest early and often, especially if you have a long investment timeline. Dips and crashes will happen, and so will other scary sounding things like economic bubbles, bear markets, corrections, and recessions.

Not long term? Save what you have now. Next year will likely be “a volatile ride” for investors, according to the Citi analysts. According to the majority (68%) of CFOs, responding to the CNBC CFO survey, a recession will occur during the first half of 2023.

You could invest in assets that are inherently limited. When things are scarce, they become even more valuable. It may be time to diversify and convert to gold and silver. Whether you buy inside your IRA or privately, gold is a proven storage of wealth for over 6000 years.

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