Destiny calls…Silver Belles answers

Dancers, left to right: Linda Schuttler, Caryl Mobley, Ann Kurtz, Kathleen Dunbar, Tina Wrbanek, Claudia Booth, Dianne Bank, Laurie Page and Vivian Herman

Dancers, left to right: Linda Schuttler, Caryl Mobley, Ann Kurtz, Kathleen Dunbar, Tina Wrbanek, Claudia Booth, Dianne Bank, Laurie Page and Vivian Herman

Vivian Herman

The adventure began last month with an email from Destiny Altvater, talent coordinator with America’s Got Talent. While browsing dance websites, Destiny saw and liked our group and left a message requesting videos of several of our dance routines. Subsequently, she asked for a video with us dancing in the style of the Radio City Music Hall’s Rockettes. Ann Kurtz, our director, choreographed a kick line segment to add to one of our routines; Kathleen Dunbar called on a videographer friend of hers and with only three days of harried rehearsals our video was finalized and sent.

By the time you read this, we may have Los Angeles in our future, or maybe not, but we were very excited and honored to be approached to submit an audition tape.

Of course, not all our performances are for future fame and fortune, but all are for fun and for the happiness we bring to our audiences. If you have not seen us dancing around town at community events or entertaining residents at senior facilities, you can see for yourself why America’s Got Talent reached out to us. Just go to and wish us luck.

If you would like us to perform at your event or just want more information, call Caryl Mobley at 520-825-6933 or 630-698-2232. You can also email Caryl at