Jim Vavra
Our guest speaker at our August 9 meeting was Dr. Kathleen C. Schwartzman. As Professor of Sociology at the University of Arizona, Dr. Schwartzman has specialized in Political Sociology and Economic Development, focusing on Latin America. Her most recent book, The Chicken Trail: Following Workers, Migrants, and Corporations across the Americas, looks at the effects of NAFTA on those most directly affected. Highlighting the research she conducted in support of her book, she focused on the impact of NAFTA on one specific industry – the chicken industry. Reviewing the data that supported her observations she detailed the bottom line effect on the industry and the workers who support it. i.e. a vastly expanded industry in the U.S. as a result of opportunities of scale, pharmaceuticals and importing cheap, illegal Mexican labor; U.S. expansion into Mexico via acquisition of leading industry participants by employing the same operating principles as in the U.S. Displacement of rural chicken producers in Mexico who were no longer able to compete in local markets and displacement of African-American chicken plant workers in the southeastern U.S. by imported Mexican labor.
The overall effect for consumers was positive, as the industry now provides a growing number of chicken product options at significantly reduced prices, both in the U.S. and in Mexico; however, the effect on the displaced workers is not so positive. The point of the study is that the impacts of trade agreements are both positive and negative when looked at in detail. No conclusion on the value of the agreements was reached, but an interesting insight into the long term repercussions was made.
The guest speaker at our September 13 meeting will be Michael Dues. Dr. Michael Dues is Senior Lecturer in Communication at The University of Arizona. He will be leading a discussion on the idea of “framing” your position, or argument. This skill will be particularly helpful in preparing us to participate in this year’s campaign support activities. Michael has addressed our group in the past, providing for a very entertaining and useful discussion. Please plan to be there.
Each regular monthly meeting of the SaddleBrooke Democratic Club is held on the second Tuesday of the month at 3:30 p.m. in the HOA 1 Activity Center, 64518 East Galveston Lane, SaddleBrooke, Arizona 85739.