Democratic Club news

Jim Vavra

Our May 10 meeting began with a presentation by Tom Chabin, Democratic candidate for Corporation Commission. Tom gave us an enlightening and convincing talk on why he and Bill Mundell really need to be elected to provide balance governance on the Arizona Corporation Commission. Another candidate, Jacqueline Minto presented her case to be elected as the Pinal County Assessor. Our keynote speaker for the meeting was Donna Gratehouse. Donna is a political activist who lives in Phoenix. She is a prolific writer who is featured on the BlogForArizona and Democratic Diva websites. She has also been published by the New York Times. Active in Arizona politics, in 2006 Donna ran for a seat in the State Legislature in LD 20. She led a lively discussion on action during the current Legislative Session that was of interest of club members.

Our guest speaker for our June 14 meeting will be John Abraham, the Arizona Affiliate Coordinator for the Final Exit Network. Per FEN, “We hold that mentally competent adults who suffer from a fatal or irreversible physical illness, from intractable physical pain or from a constellation of chronic, progressive physical disabilities have a basic human right to choose to end their lives when they judge the quality of their life to be unacceptable.” To that end, they seek to raise the awareness of all Americans concerning this basic human right and to offer free services to all who qualify, providing relevant information, home visits if possible and a compassionate presence for individual and family. Additionally they promote the use of advance directives and other related legal instruments and sponsor research into new peaceful and reliable methods to end life. Please plan to attend for a relevant and informative program.

Each regular monthly meeting of the SaddleBrooke Democratic Club is held on the second Tuesday of the month at 3:30 p.m. in the HOA 1 Activity Center, 64518 East Galveston Lane, SaddleBrooke, Arizona 85739.