Over 100 members worked in small groups.
The SaddleBrooke Dems kicked off the first meeting of 2017 with a packed house and much strategizing about the way ahead. Over 100 members worked together in small groups to identify the areas of concern they’d like to see the club focus on. New Chair Holly Lyon and Vice Chair Tim Koch led the groups through the discussions.
“It was a very important exercise for the club to go through,” said Holly Lyon, “our members have experienced a variety of strong emotions since the presidential election and it was good for them to vent among friends. Lyon was also emphatic that what is now important is where the club goes from here. “It is clear our membership wants to be actively engaged and make their voices heard.”
Lyon and Koch are determined for future meetings to be even more action oriented than this first one. “Many people don’t realize SaddleBrooke has one of the largest Democratic Clubs in the state,” said Lyon. “That provides us not only opportunity, but levies a responsibility to make a difference in promoting our values of fairness, equity, liberty, separation of church and state and patriotism.
Although the meeting place may soon change due to club membership growth, it currently meets at the HOA 1 Activity Center on the second Tuesday of each month at 3:30 p.m. Membership is open to all Democrats who vote or reside in SaddleBrooke (includes Eagle Crest Ranch.) Independents and those residing outside of SaddleBrooke are also welcome to join us as Associate members. Please note it is not necessary to be registered to vote in Arizona to be a member, so snowbirds are more than welcome! For more information, go to http://www.saddlebrookedemocrats.org. You can also follow the club on Facebook at SaddleBrookeDemocraticClub.