Elaine and Howie Fagan planned an outing in May to Tucson’s Old Chicago Restaurant for SaddleBrooke Windy City Club members; photo by Linda Rouse
Karen Schickedanz
If you’ve been thinking you’d like to go the SaddleBrooke Windy City Club’s summer social at the Westward Look Wyndham Grand Resort and Spa, you only have a few days left to make the reservation deadline of July 19.
The party, to be held on Friday, July 29 will feature Happy Hour prices from 5:00 to 7:00 p.m. and an optional dinner at 6:00 p.m. in the Palm Room and Terrace. Dinners will be paid for individually from a limited menu. Live music and dancing will begin at 7:30 p.m. A similar event last summer drew about 60 people.
There is no charge to attend if you are a member of the SaddleBrooke Windy City Club, but you need to contact Windy City Club Social Chair Linda Schuttler at 468-2545 or klschutller@gmail.com to make a reservation.
The SaddleBrooke Windy City Club is open to anyone living full or part-time in SaddleBrooke or SaddleBrooke Ranch who once lived in Chicago or its suburbs. Currently there are more than 100 members. Earlier events this year included a baseball-themed get-together at the Mesquite Grill and an informal pizza party at Old Chicago, a Tucson restaurant specializing in—what else?—Chicago style deep dish pizza.
If you would like to join the Windy City Club and attend the Westward Look social or other future events, contact membership chair Joyce Sutay at 825-4220 or 1mallnut@gmail.com. Dues are $5 per person per year to cover incidental party expenses.