Cyclemasters Valentine’s Ride

Just prior to Valentine’s Day, 75 Cyclemasters could be seen pedaling around SaddleBrooke in various shades of pinks and reds for the annual Valentine’s Day Ride. After riding for an hour in various groups, members gathered for fun, fellowship, and food at the home of Mike and Barbara Donaldson. These special-event rides always have a personal touch—one member will host the gathering while other members bring casseroles, fruit, and other goodies. After settling into tables with friends, there is always the anticipation of whether you will be a lucky door prize winner. At this event, members won prizes ranging from Valentine’s-related items to gift cards for SaddleBrooke restaurants.

Cyclemasters meet every Saturday morning in locations within SaddleBrooke. If you’re interested in creating friendships while getting exercise outdoors, you can learn more about Cyclemasters and the specifics of our rides by visiting our website