Congregation B’Nai Midbar at SaddleBrooke – March 2025

Israel and the Middle East in Turmoil

Congregation B’nai Midbar invites the entire community to join us on Thursday, March 27, from 3 to 5 p.m. at the DesertView Performing Arts Center, 39900 S. Clubhouse Drive, SaddleBrooke.

Listen, Hear, and Learn

Dynamic and knowledgeable, Aryeh Green speaks from a unique and deeply personal perspective on “Finding Peace in the Promised Land of Israel.”

• Explore the most pressing issues facing Israel and the Jewish people today.

• Gain insight into what is going on halfway across the world.

• An exceptional opportunity to hear from someone who is experiencing the physical and emotional struggles of daily life.

• A pragmatic centrist, Aryeh provides objective and non-political analysis.

• Learn about the five steps towards peace outlined in Aryeh’s new book My Israel Trail.

About Aryeh Green

The author of My Israel Trail,, Aryeh Green serves as chief strategy officer at Energiya Global, a renewable energy platform for Africa, and is a founder of Gigawatt Impact, a U.S. 501(c)(3) nonprofit promoting renewables in vulnerable communities across the globe. A former senior advisor to Natan Sharansky in Israel’s prime minister’s office, Aryeh is a longtime advocate of freedom and democracy in the Middle East and was the founder and director of MediaCentral in Jerusalem, a project of honest reporting providing services for the foreign press in the region. A business executive and consultant, personal advisor, and life coach, Aryeh is a frequent and captivating speaker on Israel, media issues, human rights, renewable energy, startup nation, and reasserting the legitimacy of Israel and Zionism. When not enjoying his nine grandchildren, promoting Israel and renewable energy, or hiking the Land of Israel, Aryeh grows grapes and makes wine.

Donation requested: $10 per person to offset the cost for this program. Any excess will be donated to the L.A. wildfire relief efforts. For questions, contact Esta Goldstein, Congregation B’nai Midbar Education Committee Chair, at or 520-825-1181.

More Happenings

Melanie Einbund

The Tucson Jewish Museum and Holocaust Center inspired many who toured the first Jewish Temple in Tucson. No surprise, it was the Jewish women who raised the funds to establish this beautiful building. The first services were held on Rosh Hashanah in 1907! After the tour, our guests shared a fabulous lunch together at El Charro Café.

A Taste of Chant and Chocolate offered both a stimulating and restful session led by Eva Friedner. Eva’s experience in the practice of chanting engaged everyone. Learning about the physical and mental health benefits of chanting, coupled with lots of chocolate, was very satisfying.

Tu B’shevat celebrated the birthday of trees. Eva Friedner’s sensitivity, knowledge, and spirituality led us through the unique seder. We sang, prayed, thought about our earth, and ate a variety of nuts and fruits. Our thanks to IMPACT of Southern Arizona for supporting us by providing their Activity Center.

In passing, we honor Bud Mottice. Bud touched many lives in SaddleBrooke. He will be missed, and most especially by his partner Sandy McNabb. May his memory be a blessing.

“I’m still wearing the smile you gave me.”

First year wedding anniversary congratulations to Bonnie Lasky and Irv Rothenberg!

Irv, not wanting to cause too much attention, proposed to Bonnie during a concert intermission in Ephesus, Turkey. What a way to go, Irv! FYI, this power couple is also celebrating their birthdays!

New Beginnings

Bruce and Yvette Sabulsky welcomed their beautiful and first granddaughter on Feb. 6. Wishes of a life of joy and happiness to Zoey Von Zeller. To her parents Matt and Lauren, hopes of a world full of wonder and restful sleep!

A Celebration of Onegs. We are truly fortunate that our Oneg celebrations are filled through April of 2025.

To celebrate and sponsor a special occasion, memory, or an honor, please contact Judi Friedman at Reserve your spot from September of 2025 through April of 2026.

As we grow as a congregation and look to the future, we look to new prayer books. The Mishkan family of prayer books are the most modern and current Reform prayer book available today. The set is the Shabbat Prayer Book and the High Holy Days books. These prayer books enable us to reach a greater understanding of our Jewish liturgy and allow a more inclusive, evolving, and comforting religious services. It’s not too late to participate in this project. Please contact Jerry Lankin at

Congregation B’nai Midbar at SaddleBrooke is a congregation that provides individuals of all backgrounds the opportunity to celebrate, practice, and learn from Jewish culture and religion in a welcoming and socially fulfilling environment. For information, contact Joy Erickson at

Happenings, Updates, and Vision

Melanie Einbund

Rabbi Danny Price, Eliyanah Powers (cantorial soloist), and Dr. Josh Nichols (accompanist) created and led us in a beautiful Shabbat service, followed by an enjoyable and delicious Oneg in January by Herb and Sue Cohen.

Thoughts and Roadmaps celebrating 25 years: Joy Erickson, president of B’nai Midbar, envisions our congregation continuing to offer an inclusive and warm space for Jewish engagement to those residing in communities in and around SaddleBrooke. We appreciate that we can provide services and events at Santa Catalina Catholic Church. Father Huy Vu and his congregation have welcomed us warmly. We hope to offer additional Shabbat services and increase our social events, trips, and classes.

The Chesed (Kindness) program wishes to expand by helping those who may be ill or in need of some extra support and caring. Our exceptional professional staff is on the extra side of excellence. Kudos to Bonnie Lasky who has worked vigorously to bring us our website and our newsletter Jewish Links to the 190 people on the distribution list! Contact Bonnie at if you wish to “connect.”

You are an important part of what B’nai Midbar offers! Volunteers are always welcomed. Select an area of interest, event, or project. Your knowledge and time contribute to who we are and to who we will be. Please contact Joy Erickson at for more information.

Encouraging Torah Readers: Have you ever wanted to read and/or chant from the Torah? We are encouraging you to try to participate during services by chanting from the Torah. This honor does not come easily. Rabbi Price will help you along the way. Contact him to schedule the time for learning and tutoring.

Dates to Remember:

Shabbat Services (at 7 p.m.)

March 21

April 25

Celebratory Events

March 27: Aryeh Green, a leading regional peace and democracy activist, will speak on Israel and the Middle East in Turmoil

April 13: First B’nai Midbar Community Seder

Rabbi’s Education Class

March 18: Introduction to Perkei Avot, the Ethics of Our Fathers

Contact Esta Goldstein at You must be registered to attend.