Left to right: Maria Miller, Team 1, low net; Caroline Whitt, Team 1, low gross (photo by Eileen J. Snearly)

Pat Redding, Team 2, low gross (photo by Eileen J. Snearly)

Sue Wilson, Team 2, low net (photo by Eileen J. Snearly)
Eileen J. Snearly
There were two teams from MountainView Preserve Lady Niners (MPLN) who competed in the State Medallion Competition. This tournament was held at Oakwood Country Club, Sun Lakes, on Jan. 13 with a 9 a.m. shotgun start.
The MPLN league reimbursed each member of the qualifying team for hotel, meals, and transportation. This competition is open to all Arizona Women’s Golf Association members.
Qualifiers were determined by their two best low gross, nine-hole rounds and two best low net, nine-hole rounds. These designated rounds of golf were played on league days.
The entire MPLN membership congratulated their friends for representing the MPLN and golfing in this important event.