Computer Club March 17 “New iPhone/iPad Tips and Tricks”

Dian Lineback

The speaker at the SaddleBrooke Computer Club meeting on March 17 will be Dian Lineback, and her topic will be “New iPhone/iPad Tips and Tricks.” The meeting will begin at 1 p.m. at the DesertView Theater.

No matter how long you’ve used an iPhone, there are always new (or new to you) features to discover. Stumbling upon a time-saving trick after years of use is, quite frankly, a delight.

Dian Lineback will present this popular topic of time saving, useful, surprising, and even just fun tips to SaddleBrooke residents. This presentation will include tips for both iPhones and iPads that do and do not support AI.

Dian is a 25-year executive of Apple, teaches classes with the SaddleBrooke Computer Club, and is co-president.

The SaddleBrooke Computer Club is a vibrant community committed to enhancing the knowledge and technological prowess of its members and the community of SaddleBrooke. With a focus on teaching and staying abreast of new technologies, the club offers classes and clinics designed to cater to both novice and seasoned SaddleBrooke residents.

As a teaching club, we are staffed by volunteers with expertise in computers, software, smartphones, cyber security, streaming TV, and other related technical areas that you want to know more about.

We teach tech you can use through a variety of venues. Our primary venue for classes is in our modern, fully equipped classroom. Our class calendar is packed full of useful courses that will help SaddleBrooke residents navigate the ever-changing world of technology.

Monthly “Tech Talks” meetings are open to all SaddleBrooke residents, club members and non-members alike. Meetings usually have a presenter who has computer-related technical expertise and includes a question and answer session with knowledgeable PC and/or Apple instructors within the club. A prize drawing is held at the end of each meeting.

Meetings are held at 1 p.m., usually on the third Monday of the month at the DesertView Theater.

Access to Cutting-Edge Information and Technologies: We are continually updating our fully equipped classroom with equipment and infrastructure. All computers, both Windows and Apple, have recently been upgraded to be able to teach students on state-of-the-art machines. Our computer classroom is the envy of other similar clubs.

The annual class fee of $35 supports these upgrades and provides access to all classes and benefits. There is no limit to classes you can take, making this a truly valuable investment.

Visit our website at for more information and become a member today!