Picture taken by Steve Weiss
As the Producer Ponders—CCP’s Fall Production, An Evening of One Acts, Is Not Canceled!
Shawne Cryderman, Producer
Community Circle Players’ (CCP) fall show is postponed, not canceled. All the tasks that have been completed can just be delayed like the show, right? I mean, all the “behind the scenes” organizing and orchestrating for the production will be used this spring. Every little detail (well most of them) are ready for March when we produce our spring show. We are super ready for spring.
Let’s go over the checklist:
* Audition dates are set for Wednesday and Thursday, Jan. 6 and 7 from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m.
* Rehearsal schedule in place for 2021, beginning in January (scratch 2020 schedule)
* Production dates for March 14 through 21, 2021, have been secured with SaddleBrooke TWO Banquet Staff.
* Scripts are ordered, paid for, and have arrived. Partial scripts available from each director.
* Royalties (payment for putting on each show) paid for the fall production. Thank goodness there is a COVID-19 clause to allow shows to be performed at a later date.
* Five fabulous directors, ready and willing to do their personal best as they (patiently?) wait to begin.
* Production team has met to review the show and rehearsal timeline. Fabulous CCP photographer, Steve Weiss, is scheduled for black and white head shots as well as action shots for publicity.
* Costume mistress Susan Schweitzer has already started collecting specific wardrobe items.
* Props mistress Mary Riemersma has been searching the internet to locate some of the odd and unique props that will be used.
* Table centerpieces, courtesy of Judi Brauns, are being designed and constructed.
* We are way ahead of schedule for the CCP spring production.
So, to all of this I say, “On with the show!”
Those with questions may contact Shawne Cryderman at sfcrydo@yahoo.com, Tim Morsani at morsanitim@wbhsi.net, or Susan Sterling at swsaz79@gmail.com.