Community Church @ SDB Collects 1,272 Cans of Soup

Ron Morris and Brenda Dow, Blue Bag Sunday coordinators

Jerry Fay

The Community Church at SaddleBrooke (CCSB) kicked off their annual soup can drive with a concert of gospel music by the Liberty Quartet. The Liberty Quartet is a nationally renowned gospel group whose mission is to spread the message of Christ through music. They played to a standing-room-only crowd at the DesertView Performing Arts Center.

To add to the festive nature of Souper Bowl Sunday, church members were encouraged to wear their team jerseys.

The purpose of Souper Bowl Sunday is to collect donations of cans of soup for the Salvation Army. CCSB is a missions partner with the Amphi Salvation Army Corp in Tucson. The Amphi Corp has a comprehensive family services program that not only provides food and clothing, but extensive programs for the youth of the area.

The soup donation event is part of CCSB’s Blue Bag Sunday program. Blue Bag Sundays are scheduled throughout the year to provide for special needs in the Greater Tucson area. This includes Blue Bag Sundays for school supplies, newborn family needs, clothing for the homeless, toiletries for homeless centers, and toys and candy for the Salvation Army Harvest Festival.