Community Church at SaddleBrooke invites residents to an Afternoon of Harvest Desserts

Margaret Falkowski

On Saturday, November 1 SaddleBrooke residents are invited to an Afternoon of Harvest Desserts hosted by the Community Church at SaddleBrooke at the HOA 1 Activity Center from 2:30 to 4:00 p.m. The church has invited Young Life (YL) Tucson Capernaum, a ministry for young people with disabilities, to present the program Come and Hear, describing ways that SaddleBrooke residents can share their talents and time with young people with special needs. The event begins at 2:30 p.m. and will include a sampling of fall desserts. The Activity Center is located at 64518 E Galveston Lane in SaddleBrooke.

“Young Life Capernaum’s mission is to share the love of Jesus with teens and young adults with special needs so that these youth have the opportunity to develop a relationship with Jesus while having fun and making friends,” stated Area Director Janet Payne for YL Capernaum in Tucson. “We need people to volunteer to be buddies to our Capernaum youth, spending time with them and encouraging them to develop the gifts God has given them.”

Frequently young people with special needs are isolated and marginalized because of their disabilities. People tend to focus on their disability rather than looking beyond those issues and seeing the gifts that God has given them. Often they have not been given many opportunities to develop their talents or to try new experiences because people assume they do not have the ability to do those things. Frequently they find themselves lonely and desiring companionship.

“We are looking for individuals who might be willing to take our Capernaum friends out to lunch, invite them to their Bible Study, help them develop their artistic or musical ability, take them hiking or to a movie; basically, giving time to form a relationship with someone who needs a friend,” stated Payne.

At the Afternoon of Harvest Desserts, SaddleBrooke residents will meet Capernaum staff, volunteers and participants and hear more about the ministry and learn about ways they can get involved. Please RSVP to Margaret Falkowski ( by October 24.

For more information about the Young Life Tucson Capernaum, contact Genetta Holt at 520-240-5641 or go to

Community Church at SaddleBrooke is a nondenominational group of believers meeting at the DesertView Theatre every Sunday morning at 8:30 a.m. All are welcome.